Calmare/Scrambler Therapy
What is Calmare/Scrambler Therapy?
Calmare Pain Therapy Treatment, often referred to as Scrambler Therapy, treats chronic neuropathic pain by delivering non-painful electrical pulses to the Central Nervous System. Our patients typically start to experience pain relief in as little as 1-3 treatments. This treatment is administered safely with no known negative side effects.
The device, with a biophysical rather than a biochemical approach, uses a multi-processor able to simultaneously treat multiple pain areas by applying surface electrodes to the skin. The device creates and sends a no-pain signal which becomes the dominant signal received by the brain, thus overriding the pain signal and providing relief for the patient.
In honor of the technology’s Italian inventors, CTI chose to call this medical device “Calmare”. Translated from Italian, “calmare” means “to soothe or ease.” Treatment utilizing the Calmare device eases the suffering that patients endure from debilitating pain.
Treating CRPS with Calmare
Conditions Calmare Effectively Treats Include:
- Chronic Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS) & RSD
- Neuropathy Discomfort/Pain
- Post-Surgical Neuropathic Pain
- Chemotherapy or Diabetic Induced Peripheral Neuropathy (CIPN/DIPN)
- Failed Back Surgery Syndrome
- Fibromyalgia
- Phantom Limb Pain Syndrome
- Sciatica
- Many Other Types of Chronic Pain

Frequently Asked Questions
About Calmare/Scrambler Therapy
What can I expect during a treatment?
Treatment is painless. You will have electrodes connected to your body that will deliver a non-painful electrical pulse. If there is any discomfort you will communicate with our professional conducting treatment, until a soothing vibratory buzzing sensation is accomplished. Treatment lasts about an hour.
Is it safe?
Yes! Calmare is cleared by the FDA and has many studies conducted in our countries’ finest institutions. In fact, Mayo clinic offers Calmare in their facility as well!
Is Calmare Therapy Covered By Insurance?
Calmare is cleared for use by the FDA, however insurance reimbursement is limited at best. Therefore, we do not participate in any insurance plans at this time, but you may submit your paid receipt to your insurance company for consideration. The good news is that Calmare is very affordable when compared to the high costs of pain-killers, surgery, shots and other ways of reducing pain.
How Many Treatments Will I need?
A treatment plan is based on your specific condition. Our standard treatment cycle is 10 visits over a two week period. This is based on our experience and clinical trials. Some patients may additional visits, but that will be strictly based on your condition.
Will I need to continue Treatments indefinitely?
Most patients experience long-term results with certain patients requiring “Booster” treatments months or even years after their initial treatments.
How Will Calmare Help My Chronic Condition?
Calmare’s results are very fast acting and cumulative. Our patients typically see results pretty quickly with the effects lasting longer after each visit.